Sunday 26 July 2015

Jiu Jitsu Tea Party

I recently read that 2015 celebrates 150 years since Lewis Carroll published his book Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Let's face it, Lewis Carroll was definitely tripping when he wrote that book, even by today's standards of fantasy and fiction, it's a bonkers story.

Anyway, I decided to draw my own jiujitsufied tribute to the book.

[The final art is available to purchase as a print and other merch on my Redbubble site.]

I decided that the tea party would present a good setting. I figured out what I wanted the piece to look like in my head first. I didn't even sketch out a paper rough, I just sat at the Cintiq and scribbled away. There have been many adaptations and movies based on the book, so there have been a fair number of depictions of the characters. In my version, I took inspiration from bits and pieces from the original book illustrations along with bits from Disney and bits from the movie versions.

Hatter and March Hare form my central figures so I sketched those first. Choosing a technique, I decided that Hare using de la Riva guard would give Hatter an arm free to hold his cup of tea!

Alice and the Dormouse are the other guests at the tea party. Given how sleepy Dormouse is, I made Alice execute an RNC on him, making him 'go to sleep'!
I plopped Cheshire Cat into the mix just to add a bit of balance, and also cos he's such a cool character to draw.

The above shows the ink brush lines drawn on top of the pencil lines using Manga Studio Pro.

Below - the final version.

The artwork is available on my Redbubble site as a poster, print, mug, note book cover etc etc.

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